
Who is a naijahustler?
To define this, we take a look at the meaning of ‘hustler’ in several dictionaries.
One says: one who pretends to be an amateur at a game in order to win bets, a pimp, a prostitute. Nahnah, this is not the definition we are looking for.
According to Urban dictionary, a hustler is someone who knows how to get money from others,selling drugs,rolling dice, pimping etc. This is still negative. Further down this dictionary, we see another definition which is much better:
‘ A hustler is the way one lives his life. Going out on the streets or wherever making money and working hard for it. A hustler is not lazy he’s consistently out earning money. He gets the money by using his smarts and outcunning everyone out there. A hustler has ambition and a more serious approach to life than that of a gangsta or a pimp.’
This is one of my favs-  H.U.S.T.L.E.R – How U Survive This Life Everyday, Resourcefully.
It is cool to see this definitions in the urban dictionary because they stand for the definitions of the everyday person.
Now, back to the original question-  who is a naijahustler?
This is my humble definition/redefinition: A naijahustler is a Nigerian with a passion to better his/her life positively using whatever means or resources he/she has
When you hear hustle, youth comes to mind. The nigerian youth is either regarded as dishonest or criminally minded. It is an unfair description and I intend to change this popular description  in mass media to who we really are.


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